Wairarapa Dog Training Club
fostering canine obedience and dog sports
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Classes
This programme starts with our Good Basics, then leads to Foundation, Bronze, Silver and finally Gold qualifiers.
The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test is a certification program (externally assessed) that tests dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. It identifies and rewards dogs that have the training and demeanour to be reliable family members as well as good-standing community members. It is open to all purebred and crossbred dogs.
The purpose of the CGC Test is to ensure that our favourite companion, the dog, can be a respected member of the community because it is trained and conditioned to act with good manners in the home, in public, and in the presence of other dogs
CGC training is fun and useful. Through it, you and your dog will establish a closer bond and your dog will have the added benefit of knowing how to please you. The test of your dog's manners and training is not a competition and does NOT require that you and your dog perform with precision.
Who can participate?
All dogs over the age of 12 months of age.
Membership of Dogs NZ or member Club is not needed.
Check the Dogs NZ CGC Frequently Asked Questions page for the answers to more of your questions.
Note: Clubs can log in to the site to view the club FAQ on their club page.
To obtain CGC Certificates, dogs must pass all tests set in each grade before attempting the next advanced up. Certificates are available from Dogs New Zealand posted to the assessing club. Dogs will be registered onto a database.
Requirements for CGC Assessment
Dogs must be over 12 months of age.
Dogs having been taught the following exercises may be eligible for assessment at a CGC registered club.
- Appearance and Grooming
- Food manners
- Accepting Friendly Strangers
- Walking in a controlled manner with distractions and through people
- Stay tied
- Control around other dogs
- There will also be written questions for the owner.
[photos here]
© Wairarapa Dog Training Club