
Wairarapa Dog Training Club

fostering canine obedience and dog sports

Canine Good Basics Classes

Our Canine Good Basics 1 and 2 are the foundation for Canine Good Citizen. You can decide what you want to do after completing course 1, whether you are happy with what you have achieved or whether you would like to continue your training.

All dogs who come to us for training will be doing the same first course. Dogs will be sorted into classes by age (eg. puppies and older dogs) and also by size dependent on numbers.

Any dogs under the age of 6 months can complete the course but to do the assessment will need to be over 6 months.

After completion of the course you will be assessed if your instructor has indicated you are ready. If you pass the assessment you will receive this certificate below.


This assessment is not compulsory but we hope that you will participate.
If you are not ready then you can decide to return and work towards this.

Cost is $80.00 per course.

Next term

15 April to 3 June. Assessment on 10 June


© Wairarapa Dog Training Club